Sunday, September 25, 2011


The last 2 countries that I have lived in, Wales and Australia, are crazy about their uniforms.  I thought that it was just for school aged kids, which, let me be clear do NOT look like this:

Not that that is a particularly bad thing, but let's just say, brown and yellow, mid-calved dresses, with socks and chunky black business shoes leave a little to be desired.  On the whole however, I have really come around to accepting and agreeing with the concept behind uniforms.  I mean, I sell health insurance and we have a uniform!

I was in full support however, until I was sent out to get a few 'bits and pieces' for my upcoming nursing clinical in November.

First item on the list: navy or white nursing polo

Not bad.

Second item: navy business pants

Given my size this has proven the most difficult, especially since it is a MUST that they are long pants and not any of the other options ("culottes", skirt).  When you see item #3, this will all makes sense.

Third item: black, lace up, non-slip "school shoes".  Otherwise known as the "Zellers special, all black reffing shoe complete with perspiration holes".  I'm going to call them "character building shoes".

Check out these rippers:

I thought the baby dog's would soften the blow.

These kicks are apparently "all the rage" according to the sales associate, which I find hard to believe, but in any case I guess the translation is 'selling like hotcakes' in the nursing world.  Who knows, maybe I will be "cool".  Plus, they are made of kangaroo leather, which has 4 times the strength of cow hide.  I left the shop with one SWEET pair of shoes AND a fun fact.  What a great day.

As for the nursing shoe, they are a particularly abominable breed of hideous.  When I was scouring the web for any other, potentially less ugly options I stumbled upon these gems.  I guess it could be worse...

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